AFGO Is Proud To be A St. Jude Partner In Hope

Philanthropy is one of the cornerstones of the corporate culture of AFGO Mechanical and one of the organizations whose mission means a lot to us is St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Founded by the famous entertainer Danny Thomas in 1962, St. Jude has revolutionized cancer treatment in children. At the time, cancer survival rates in children were under 20%. With St. Jude’s work in the last 50 years, they are now over 80%.
St. Jude accepts all eligible patients without consideration of the ability to pay. All expenses such as food and family housing, in addition to treatment, are paid for by the hospital. This is obviously very costly, and they rely on charitable citizens and organizations to donate.
AFGO is proud to support St. Jude’s mission and urges you to become a Partner In Hope yourself.